Dagsworth Maestro Pack

11 min read

Deviation Actions

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Pack History

This history is what actually happened during group roleplays (yes, all 6 years of it), meaning it is open ended and still being made! History is updated as major events take place and packs find out new information. If you are curious about any particular event and would like to see the art or stories that went with it, you're welcome to comment or note us about it! We'd be happy to find something for you.

The Dagsworth pack was founded after an argument turned into much more. Faas, a Belgian Malinois, and once a very good friend of Kyoto, stumbled upon a broken and disheveled group of dogs starving in an abandoned train station. Faas took those dogs under his wing and quickly rose up to the Alpha status, thus founding the Dagsworth Maestro Pack. It was his dream and he was living the life.

However, during this time, Kyoto was feeling very left behind by the dog she thought to be her best friend and brother. Finally, the Doberman's anger came to a head and she addressed Faas about his mixed loyalties. Things went South from there and only got worse. Seeking revenge and a way to vent some of her pent up anger, Kyoto swore against the Dagsworth Alpha and left his side. From there, she formed her own pack on the other side of the city and named them the Dunkle Schicksal Pack. With that, the war had begun, and both Alphas intended on winning it. 

Months flew by and both packs were quickly creating a name for themselves as they swelled in numbers, and yet still, the war raged on and tensions only grew. One day, a Dunkle Omega, Madison, found herself trapped in barbed wire on Dagsworth territory after a rabbit hunt led her astray. Unable to free herself, she was quickly captured by two Dagsworth guards and brought to Faas. She was then made an official prisoner where Faas starved and tortured her for anything about the pack his ex-bestfriend had founded. Unwilling to speak, Madison endured her imprisonment for weeks, until one day, a group of Dunkle dogs came to break her out. Hearing the ruckus, Madison managed to free herself from her room and flee to her pack. Shortly after, Faas went missing. To this day, it is unclear what happened to the former Alpha.

With their Alpha gone, no Beta to take his place, and no prisoner, the Dagsworth began to dwindle. Dogs began leaving, unsure of what to do next. However, in a surprising twist, a small Chihuahua named Pygmy who had been a former Omega of the Dagsworth stepped up to the plate and took over as the new Alpha of the Dagsworth Maestro. He appointed Martin as his Beta, and thus began a new era for the Dagsworth dogs. Despite Faas's disappearance, the war was far from over. Both packs had become so accustomed to hate that a life without the constant tension seemed impossible, and now, resources were becoming a serious concern as the Dagsworth began growing back to its former size. 

In a surprise attack, the Dunkle attacked the Dagsworth during the following Summer after Pygmy's takeover. During this time, several dogs were seriously injured, but none killed. However, Kitsa, a Dagsworth Omega, was taken prisoner by Diego, a Dunkle dog. Unbeknownst to Kyoto, Diego was driven by an urge to keep his breed's lineage clean. Seeing an easy opportunity, he took advantage of Kitsa, forcing her to have his pups while she remained a prisoner of the Dunkle pack. Unable to do anything to stop him, Kitsa remained a prisoner for two months, eventually birthing a healthy, but illegitimate litter of pups. During these two months, the Dagsworth struggled coming up with a solution to Kitsa's predicament and had no idea she was with pups. Being a smaller and weaker pack, they could only wait for the time to be right. 

However, Martin, being clever and manipulative, managed to deceive a new and troubled Dunkle recruit, Rex, into joining the Dagsworth. However, the deal was crooked and Rex was brought to the Dagsworth only to become their next prisoner. Now with a little leverage, the Dagsworth put a group together and sent a message to Kyoto while they attacked the Dunkle pack. During this message delivery, Madison was escorted back to the Dagsworth pack and informed of Rex's capture, who, up to this point, had simply been labeled as missing by his Dunkle comrades. After learning of his imprisonment, Madison and Pygmy struck a deal to free Kitsa: Kitsa for Rex. 

After Madison conveyed this news to Kyoto, it was agreed that the exchange would take place promptly. Kitsa and half her pups returned home, while the other half stayed with their father. In return, Madison took Rex home.

After this long ordeal, the Dagsworth found themselves once more struggling to find a purpose and dogs soon began leaving. Even Martin, the beta, left the Dagsworth behind. With the pack seemingly disappearing, Pygmy skipped town and moved on.

The pack continued to struggle, but soon, a German shepard by the name of Sirius and a corgi by the name of Ezra took over and breathed life back into the war torn group. The first thing on their agenda? Call a truce between their pack and the Dunkles. And so, for the first time in two years, there was peace among all the dogs.

However, about a month after the truce had been implemented, strange occurrences began taking place and there were rumors that strays had begun to go missing, only to turn up dead days later. Sirius ignored these warnings and urged his pack to do the same. However, it wasn't long until a dead dog turned up on the doorstep of the pack's hideout with an ominous message spelled out in blood: "Once we clear the city, you're next."

Wary of the brutish message, Sirius met with Kyoto where he learned of a new pack, the Vryheid Van Siel, who intended on finishing the war the other two had started. With the truce still in place, the Dagsworth continued on as usual, unable to yet make a decision about the new pack. After all, the Dagsworth were now bigger than all other packs in the region, and were growing by the day as fearful strays decided now was not a time to be alone. 

After a whole season, strays continued to go missing, however, the Dagsworth had not heard much from the Vryheid, and so the pack was nearly forgotten. That is, until a messenger brought word to them that the Vryheid had attacked the Dunkles and killed a guard, Santiago. Sirius immediately sent aid to their pack, where several of his dogs stayed with the Dunkles for about 3 weeks. During this time, Ezra was captured by the dogcatcher, leaving the Dagsworth betaless once more.

Upon the return of his dogs, Sirius appointed his Healer, Ash, and Warrior, Voin to the new Beta position, allowing them to share the rank. After deliberation, the three decided to call a meeting between themselves and the Vryheid leaders. So, they sent a messenger to the Alpha to call the meeting, and surprisingly, he agreed. 

A month later, the Dagsworth dogs trekked to Vryheid territory with plans to instill a new truce. However, things quickly became heated and the Vryheid Alpha, Koa, revealed that they had kidnapped and taken a Dagsworth Warrior, Fera, prisoner months ago. Still in shock, the Dagsworth leaders found themselves in the midst of an ambush, and the Vryheid dogs managed to kill Ash while Voin and Sirius escaped. See: The Meeting

Returning home broken and terrified, Sirius made the heartwrenching decision to leave the hideout they had been living in for years and move in with the Dunkle Schicksal pack. With safety in numbers, but old tensions still high, both packs are left waiting to see what happens next.

The Members and the Pack

The Dagsworth Maestro pack has had difficult times in the past. The new Alpha believes in bettering the pack and piecing together the mess the others have made. Though Dagsworth strives to keep the peace, they keep themselves ready for opposing forces and outside threats. Within the pack itself, members are to be obedient, loyal, and mind their place in the pecking order. Higher ranking dogs there may discipline the lower ranking members as deemed appropriate. Punishments apply for several minor offenses and harsh punishments to major offenses. Here, it's three strikes and you drop a rank. High ranks are honors and respect is granted with each position. While living a disciplinary life, Dagsworth dogs are supposed to be kind to one another. Good friends and close family matters here, and that's what the pack builds off of. 

The Pack and Outsiders

Unlike the previous way of life here, the Alpha no longer allows Dunkle prisoners. This then helps to keep the peace between the two pack. Generally, they are interested in bringing in strays with potential. Any dog that will make a good addition to the pack is welcome. However, while wary of outsiders, they will not allow any separate stray settlements on their territory. Any strays that prove a threat will be carefully removed. There is a tentative alliance between the Dunkle pack, but a strong hatred for the Vryheid.

State of Mind

While disciplinary and carefully balanced by ranks, Dagsworth strives for every dog to care for the rest. Family is an important key in the way they work and bonds are most important. Open attacks on others are forbidden unless provocation ensued. Anyone can be made use of here, but strength is an important factor.

Rules and Laws

  • Respect the Alpha.
  • Fulfill your appropriate and given duties.
  • Follow orders, no matter what they may be. Punishment is served if an order has failed to have been carried out.
  • Challenging another for their position is forbidden. The Alpha has placed you where you are for a reason.
  • Keep your loyalties to the pack. Have nothing more than minor affiliations of the outside world. 
  • Leaving the pack is optional. It is preferred that you stay, however you have that freedom. 
  • As previously stated, leaving the pack is optional and highly frowned upon, but switching packs will put a price on your head.
  • One may leave the territory, however the reasons for doing so must be known, unless granted special privileges.
  • Minor punishments may be carried out by a higher ranking dog to a lower ranking dog as long as it is necessary.
  • Only the Alpha carries out major punishments.
  • Puppies are to be looked after. Harming a pup purposefully will result in harsh punishment.
  • Food is given equally in terms of who requires the most. Dogs who have worked hard will recieve larger portions.
  • Do NOT purposefully attack either enemy pack. Mingling or teasing is fine, but no direct attacks. If you disobey, strict punishment will follow.
            Entrance Test
The following is what your dog will have to complete in order to join the Dagsworth Maestro Pack. You must submit a story of your dog completing this test, which is how we will decide whether your writing is up to par with the group's standards. Art is optional. Do NOT say that you have been accepted in the story, that is for the Alpha to decide!
                In order to join the Dagsworth Maestro pack, the Alpha has created a test for want-to-bes to take. What better way to take advantage of living near the tracks than to use them for initiation? Upon arrival at Dagsworth, you will be granted a day without food or water, or pack interaction (besides with the Alpha, of course!). In the morning, you will be taken to the tracks and promptly fastened to them in some manor, be it chained, tied, or hooked. Prove your skill set by escaping your ensnarement before the day meets its end. And watch out! No one quite knows the train schedule!
© 2015 - 2024 18smiths
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DasChocolate's avatar
How long does the entrance test need to be?